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About Face NZ

IPL + Clear & Brilliant


Level 2: Restore radiance by addressing pigmentation, and texture while targeting redness, wrinkles, and scars.

  • *Save from $398 when purchasing a minimum of 2, maximum 4.
  • Results typically last 12 months.

Delve into the epitome of skin rejuvenation with our unparalleled skin restoration treatment package, where the dynamic duo of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) and Clear + Brilliant converge to address a myriad of skin concerns and unveil a complexion that radiates youthful vitality. 

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey as these two powerful modalities synergise to deliver comprehensive results that transcend conventional skincare approaches. IPL harnesses the power of broad-spectrum light to target an array of skin imperfections, including pigmentation, rosacea, sun damage, redness, and irregularities. By penetrating deep into the skin's layers, IPL not only addresses existing concerns but also stimulates collagen production, fostering a foundation of firmer, smoother skin that defies the signs of aging.

Complementing the prowess of IPL is Clear + Brilliant, a revolutionary treatment that creates microscopic treatment zones within the skin, triggering a cascade of rejuvenating effects. As these targeted zones undergo cellular renewal, collagen production is stimulated, resulting in a noticeable improvement in skin texture, tone, and clarity. With Clear + Brilliant, experience the revitalizing touch of radiant skin as it emerges with a newfound luminosity and vibrancy.

What sets this powerhouse treatment apart is its ability to deliver transformative results with minimal downtime. Unlike invasive procedures that require extended recovery periods, our skin restoration package offers the perfect balance of efficacy and convenience, allowing you to resume your daily activities with confidence.

Experience the ultimate indulgence in skincare excellence as you immerse yourself in the transformative embrace of our skin restoration treatment package. From addressing stubborn pigmentation to rejuvenating lacklustre skin tone, embark on a journey towards radiant, youthful skin that captivates and inspires. Welcome to a world where beauty meets innovation—welcome to the future of skincare.

Terms & Conditions Apply. An Advanced Skin Consultation is a prerequisite before a course of treatments and is free. 

Images taken from Clear & Brilliant. 

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    IPL + Clear & Brilliant
